I m trying to make a custom enchant of bow. When the arrow hits the player, it gives slowness to the player, i tried but i couldn't find how to get the player after the arrow hits the player :/
I found these threads while searching this Google: 1- https://forums.pmmp.io/threads/custom-item-to-enchant.1696/ 2- https://forums.pmmp.io/threads/custom-enchanted.1483/ 3- http://forums.pocketmine.net/threads/custom-enchantments.18077/ 4- http://forums.pocketmine.net/threads/custom-enchants.11874/
PHP: public function onDamage(EntityDamageEvent $event){if($event instanceof \pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageByEntityEvent){$damager = $event->getDamager();if($event instanceof \pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageByChildEntityEvent){if($damager instanceof \pocketmine\Player){$player = $event->getEntity(); } } }}
Public attributes for the class; PHP: MODIFIER_BASE = 0 const MODIFIER_ARMOR = 1 const CAUSE_CONTACT = 0 const CAUSE_ENTITY_ATTACK = 1 const CAUSE_PROJECTILE = 2 const CAUSE_SUFFOCATION = 3 const CAUSE_FALL = 4 const CAUSE_FIRE = 5 const CAUSE_FIRE_TICK = 6 const CAUSE_LAVA = 7 const CAUSE_DROWNING = 8 const CAUSE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION = 9 const CAUSE_ENTITY_EXPLOSION = 10 const CAUSE_VOID = 11 const CAUSE_SUICIDE = 12 const CAUSE_MAGIC = 13 const CAUSE_CUSTOM = 14 You can see that the second constant is projectile!