Hi all, I would like to create empty chunk (or filled air) but my code create only region without chunk :c PHP: public function generateIsland($level) { $startX = 100; $startZ = 100; // I try to create 8x8 empty chunks $emptySubChunk = array_fill(0, 16, new EmptySubChunk()); $biomeIds = implode('', array_fill(0, 256, '1')); $heightMap = array_fill(0, 256, 256); for ($x = -4; $x < 4; $x++) { for ($z = -4; $z < 4; $z++) { $chunk = new Chunk($startX + $x, $startZ + $z, $emptySubChunk, [], [], $biomeIds, $heightMap, []); //$level->setChunk($startX + $x, $startZ + $z, $chunk); $level->getProvider()->setChunk($startX + $x, $startZ + $z, $chunk); } } print 'Generation complete' . PHP_EOL; }