Hi I got this plugin that displays your stats on the side of the screen called ScoreTip, to display the deaths and kills it relies on the KillChat plugin to do so, but that plugin now has loads of errors so I decided to change it from getting plugin KillChat and instead use StatsPE I have changed everything that says 'KillChat' to 'StatsPE' but the part I need help with is the part that uses the death and kill tag or whatever you call it Before I changed the ScoreTip from getting KillChat to StatsPE it looked like this: PHP: if ($this->KillChat) { $kll = $this->KillChat->getKills($name); $dth = $this->KillChat->getDeaths($name); } else { $kll = $dth = '§cNo Plugin'; When I changed it to StatsPE it looked like this: PHP: if ($this->StatsPE) { $kll = $this->StatsPE->getKills($name); $dth = $this->StatsPE->getDeaths($name); } else { $kll = $dth = '§cNo Plugin'; But the problem is I get this error in console: [PocketMine] [13:21:08] CRITICAL> Error: "Call to undefined method SalmonDE\StatsPE::getKills()" (EXCEPTION) in "/ScoreTip/src/ScoreTip/Main" at line 58 I just don't know what the correct tag to use and I have know idea how to find it in StatsPE, I have tried getKillCount as well but that didnt work. I have uploaded the StatsPE and ScoreTip below in a zip if anyone could tell me what that 'get????????' tag is that would be amazing Thanks
You can get the amount of kills by doing: PHP: $statspe = \SalmonDE\StatsPE\Base::getInstance();$entry = $statspe->getDataProvider()->getEntry("KillCount");$killCount = $statspe->getDataProvider()->getData("PlayerName", $entry);