I am trying to add custom image, but it does not work.. I tried to do that by catching the MapInfoRequestPacket, but it did not work when I held the map in my hand( PHP: public function onHold(PlayerItemHeldEvent $event): void { $player = $event->getPlayer(); if ($event->getItem()->getId() === ItemIds::FILLED_MAP) {// var_dump(1); $folder = $this->loader->getDataFolder(); $colors = []; $imaged = @imagecreatefrompng($folder . "map.png"); $anchor = 128; $altars = 128; $imaged = imagescale($imaged, $anchor, $altars, IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR); imagepng($imaged, $folder . "map.png"); for ($y = 0; $y < $altars; ++$y) { for ($x = 0; $x < $anchor; ++$x) { $rgb = imagecolorat($imaged, $x, $y); $color = imagecolorsforindex($imaged, $rgb); $r = $color["red"]; $g = $color["green"]; $b = $color["blue"]; $colors[$y][$x] = new Color($r, $g, $b, 0xff); } }// var_dump($event->getItem()->getNamedTag()->getInt("map_uuid")); $pk = new ClientboundMapItemDataPacket(); $pk->mapId = $event->getItem()->getNamedTag()->getInt("map_uuid"); $pk->type = ClientboundMapItemDataPacket::BITFLAG_TEXTURE_UPDATE; $pk->height = 128; $pk->width = 128; $pk->scale = 1; $pk->colors = $colors; $player->getNetworkSession()->sendDataPacket($pk); } }