So I’ve just finished setting up PocketMine-MP. I was able to run the server in the command prompt, and it says it was connected to the query. However, if I type in my IPs, I’m unable to connect. Maybe this is due to having a PocketMine server already set up on another computer in the house using the same IP. If this is the case, how can I fix this and run a server on the new PC? Thanks for the help.
Are you joining from the local or from the public ip? Because obviously you can't port-forward two devices to the same port
I think the public IP. Should I go into the router settings and remove the port foreword, then reinstall it?
(Obviously) it's impossible to two devices to be forwarded to the same port on the same public ip, you either need to remove one of them or choose another port. (Unless you only want to access one of the servers locally, then you of course don't have to forward it at all and can just connect using the device's local ip)
I believe I chose a local IP. So should I just remove the previous one and create a new one under the local IP?
Still having issues connecting. Maybe I'm using the wrong IP? Which one (ipv4/ipv6) should I use to connect locally?
IPv4, Minecraft doesn't support IPv6. What method are you using to obtain the other device's local IP?
Just using ipconfig in the command prompt. It gets the IP of my router. Still, no matter how many times I type this in, nothing works. Maybe I should remove the PocketMine set up on my other computer? I removed the previous port forward, gonna forward again with the IPv4. Still no luck, starting to become frustrating. Just came to my mind: I was using ethernet on my old computer, whereas now I'm using a wireless antennae, which gives me a different IPv4. Tried that, but no luck. Maybe I have the wrong port? I tried the default (19132) which should have worked, but to no avail. The strange part is, I can still interact with and type commands in the console. Not sure on this one...
You should join using the IP address of the other PC, not using the router's IP. First you need to get it to work so you can join locally, only then you should start to even think about port forwarding. PocketMine by default uses the default port 19132. wtf is your last paragraph supposed to mean?
In the last paragraph, I was just trying to say that the server is online, I just can't find a way to connect to it. Anyways, I turned the server on with my new PC, tried to connect with the IP of the old PC, and nothing. Tried again with the IP of the new PC, nothing. However, I turned on my old PocketMine server on the old PC and successfully connected from both PCs. The thing is, when I activate the server on the new PC, it doesn't even show up as a LAN game.
It not showing up in lan game on the same pc the server runs on is normal (see this docs entry). It sounds like your firewall is blocking it. See:
Thanks for the help, I finally got it to work! Just a few issues... 1) The MOTD doesn't show up, just says locating server in external tab... probably because I need to port forward again, right? 2) Whenever I try to join from another device, it appears in the friends tab, but when I try to join, it says to connect to Wi-Fi, even though I am connected to the same network. Thank you so much for the support!
I think minecraft does support ipv6, im able to host a bedrock server and can connect to it using an ipv6 IP, but i havent being able to do it with the PocketMine version yet.