Hello ! There is a huge bug, when a player connects with an account of an OP it can even if it does not login do ./ and a command, it meux op the others or do all the commands! A code to fix that?
Hay. Two amazing tasks: 1. Use /version and tell us the messages 2. Make sure you have the latest PocketMine-MP.phar from here: https://jenkins.pmmp.io/job/PocketMine-MP/lastStableBuild/
it seems like it is the problem of your plugin that requires plugin help. Moving to "Plugin Help". Also, please specify the plugins you use.
PHP: public function removeCommands(\pocketmine\event\player\PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $event){$command = explode(" ", strtolower($event->getMessage())); $com = $command[0]; if(substr($com, 0, 2) === "./"){ $event->setCancelled(); }} Copy this in a plugin's Main.php after the end of a function!
If you're using SimpleAuth, download SimpleAuthHelper. If HereAuth or another one, enable the option to login without /login. Hacky fix but ehh.
Don't think so after this commit... It changes "./" into "/", so you can't check if the message contained a "." before the "/". By the time you check it (assuming preprocess ev), the "./" has already been changed to "/"