I've integrated a Heads Up Display into my Core plugin. The HUDs are of two types: Normal (for players) and Staff (for the staff). The staff's names have been hard-coded into the core. Here's the code: Function in the API: PHP: public function isStaff(string $player) : bool { $staffs = [ "RumDaDuMCPE", "RoyalMCPE", "FireRage5520", "ManXmaster27" ]; foreach ($staffs as $staff) { strtolower($staff); } if (in_array(strtolower($player), $staffs)) { return true; } return false;} The task that calls the function after checking if the player is staff or not: PHP: public function onRun($tick) { if ($this->core::getInstance()->getAPI()->isStaff($this->player->getName())) { $this->player->sendPopup(TF::colorize($this->core::getInstance()->getAPI()->sendHUD($this->player, "Staff"))); } $this->player->sendPopup(TF::colorize($this->core::getInstance()->getAPI()->sendHUD($this->player, "Normal"))); }} File containing the sendHUD Function: PHP: public function sendHUD(Player $player, string $HUDtype) : string { $playerCount = count(Server::getInstance()->getOnlinePlayers()); $playerMax = Server::getInstance()->getMaxPlayers(); $color = "&a"; $tps = Server::getInstance()->getTicksPerSecond(); if ($tps < 20) { $color = "&c"; } $staffHUD = "&l&a".$player->getName()." &r&l|&r &e".$playerCount."/".$playerMax." &r&l|&r &bTPS: ".$color.$tps."\n". "If TPS is below 20 for a long time, let Rum know."; $normalHUD = "&l&b".$player->getDisplayName()." &r&e| &l&a_ingameMoney_"."\n" ."_playerVoteStatus_";//$this->getVoteStatus($player); switch ($HUDtype) { case "Staff": return $staffHUD; break; case "Normal": return $normalHUD; break; default: return "&cERROR FETCHING HEADS UP DISPLAY!"; }} The issue occurs when I use a username that has been hardcoded as staff and yet I receive the normal HUD meant for the players. Kindly help me find a solution to this issue, Thank you. UPDATE: I have found the solution. I forgot to call an Else function after the If function in the Task. Updated code: PHP: public function onRun($tick) { if ($this->core::getInstance()->getAPI()->isStaff($this->player->getName())) { $this->player->sendPopup(TF::colorize($this->core::getInstance()->getAPI()->sendHUD($this->player, "Staff"))); } else { $this->player->sendPopup(TF::colorize($this->core::getInstance()->getAPI()->sendHUD($this->player, "Normal"))); } }}