PHP: [01:50:00] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Unhandled exception executing command 'koth join' in koth: Argument 2 passed to pocketmine\math\AxisAlignedBB::setBounds() must be of the type float, string given, called in phar:///root/TestServer/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/entity/Entity.php on line 664[01:50:00] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: TypeError: "Argument 2 passed to pocketmine\math\AxisAlignedBB::setBounds() must be of the type float, string given, called in phar:///root/TestServer/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/entity/Entity.php on line 664" (EXCEPTION) in "vendor/pocketmine/math/src/AxisAlignedBB" at line 45 ok, I have no idea what is that about, I don't use this setBounds() in the plugin....I have no idea why it's here. I don't even use pocketmine\math\AxisAlignedBB...Here is the code that I THINK that is making the issue.. In the Area class file. PHP: public function sendRandomSpot(Player $player){ $spawn = array_rand($this->spawns); $player->teleport($this->spawns[$spawn]); } in Main file. PHP: public function setPoint(Player $player, $type){ $save = $player->getX().":".$player->getY().":".$player->getZ().":".$player->getLevel()->getName(); $all = $this->c->getAll(); if ($type === "spawn"){ $all["spawns"][] = $save; }else{ $all[$type] = $save; } $this->c->setAll($all); $this->c->save(); } In the command class file. PHP: if (strtolower($args[0]) === "join"){ if ($this->plugin->sendToKoth($sender)){ $sender->sendMessage($this->plugin->getData("joined")); }else{ $sender->sendMessage($this->plugin->getData("not_running")); } return true; This is the only code linked to sending the player to the koth...$spawn will take a random value from this list : Code: - -10963.832:123:-11010.6221:factionmap - -10947.6309:120:-11014.3496:factionmap - -10949.6016:121:-11004.2568:factionmap - -10957.583:117:-10999.2998:factionmap - -10962.6855:116:-10990.4443:factionmap - -10975.8174:115:-10974.6191:factionmap - -10982.0273:115:-10978.457:factionmap - -10986.1934:144:-11039.6055:factionmap - -10965.6035:137:-11040.3271:factionmap - -10950.2559:128:-11029.2998:factionmap - -10947.5654:120:-11013.8867:factionmap - -10949.4092:121:-11004.249:factionmap and will send the player there. Maybe the "factionmap" that make the issue ? in Entity, we find : PHP: protected function recalculateBoundingBox() : void{ $halfWidth = $this->width / 2; $this->boundingBox->setBounds( $this->x - $halfWidth, $this->y, $this->z - $halfWidth, $this->x + $halfWidth, $this->y + $this->height, $this->z + $halfWidth ); } but I don't know why it use setBounds..does "factionmap" interfere with all of that ?