Hello, I need a function to be executed depending on whether or not you have permission, this function should be able to be used by anyone as long as you have permission to use it. The problem is that no matter how I configure it in plugins.yml it never lets me use it unless it's op Part of the php code: PHP: if($player->hasPermission("s.buse")){ $player->sendMessage(color::RED.$this->getConfig()->get("siusep")); } else { $player->sendMessage(color::RED.$this->getConfig()->get("nousep")); } Plugins YML: Code: s.buse: default: true description: It allows For more than "default" place any of the following options only run it if it is op: True, False, OP I don't know if it's wrong or I misunderstood something about permissions, they help me, as I said before I want anyone who has that permission to perform that function
default: op: Only OPs have it, unless the permission is explicitly given to a player using a permission manager default: notop: Only players who aren't OPs have it, unless the permission is explicitly given to a player using a permission manager default: true: Everyone has it, unless the permission is explicitly removed from a player using a permission manager default: false: No one has it, unless the permission is explicitly given to a player using a permission manager