Alright so I did do my custom version of FactionsPro but now I Wana make it that when an intruder passes by another factions claim it sends a title saying Dangerous then under that it says it's factions name so how the fuck am I supposed to do that?
$p->addTitle("Message","FadeIn","Fadeout"); NOTE THIS ONLY WORKS WITH THE API3/NETWORK BRANCH OF POCKETMINE And please refrain from cussing on the forums
What function are you using to send that type of command? like where it says dangerous, are you using $p->sendMessage?
You'll have to add a PlayerMoveEvent handler and add the title when a player passes through a claim. You can see how MyPlot does it for reference.
so you did not answer my question so in witch file do i put it in like in the factions command factions listener factions plot?
As @corytortoise said, you have to add a PlayerMoveEvent handler, which you should put in the event listener.
Player::addTitle() has 5 parameters, not 3. In order, they are: Title(string), Subtitle(string), FadeIn(int), Duration(int), and FadeOut(int). (source)