Sure, but I don't think it's a good idea if you mean to modify a server's eng.ini on runtime like that. Plugins should have their separate language files. Create a language file in your plugin's resources/eng.ini and call $this->saveResource("eng.ini", true) on plugin enable. Then you can get the language class using: PHP: $locale = $this->getServer()->getLanguage()->getLang();$lang = new BaseLang($locale, $this->getDataFolder() . "lang/");//$lang->translateString("some.string"); This method will handle file not exist errors by itself. For example if your language in pocketmine.yml is Russian and resources/rus.ini doesn't exist, it will send a console error and fallback to eng.ini. P.S. The second parameter of saveResources() is true so you don't need to worry about modifying your plugin_data/MyPlugin/eng.ini, you can instead directly modify your plugin's resources/eng.ini file and the changes will take place on server restart. See how does it (but it doesn't secify the second parameter of saveResource()).
It doesn't, but you can create an array of BaseLang instances mapped to their locales: Code: $this->langs = array( "eng" => BaseLang, "kor" => BaseLang, "rus" => BaseLang ) Then get the BaseLang instance for the player's locale (fallback to eng if their locale isn't set up): PHP: /** @var Player $player */$lang = $this->langs[$player->getLocale()] ?? $this->langs["eng"];