[Add Plugins Over SQL then get it over an folder!?] Greetings, So to those who don't understand by what I meant on the title it's that I am trying to add a plugin in a SQL database > table but I don't know how (I wanna add a phar file) and I wanna copy that phar plugin but nor entirely remove it just copy then add it in Pocketmine > Plugins on my vps. My friend had said it is possible to add a plugin in mysql table but no clue what to do the rest. Please help, Thanks everyone! /shar
The plugin has to be in your local plugins folder to run. Even if you could store it in a MySQL database, you can't do anything with it. You can however use a MySQL database for the plugin's user data.
If you understand what SQL is about, you should realize that SQL is for storing small data in tables. It is pointless to store a file in an SQL database.