Hi there! i'm trying to make a Parkour-reward plugin for my own server. But the problem is that i cant figure out how i can add cooldown to a command(when the player finishes the first round he can click an Slapper and the slapper will execute the command) And i want the command to have a cooldown, so players cant abuse Thanks!
Is there any way that i could save the array data and the time left in a config file? Because everytime server reebots the arrays just "dissapear" and they can claim it again
But he isnt talking about arrays . I already know how to save another type of config, but not the time and the player data in config. As i said, i'm using Sonsa's method to check if player has claimed or not his perk.
I haven't got a single clue what you're talking about, but I have one piece of advice: You should know the basics of programming and php before writing plugins.