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A pocketmine smartban.

Discussion in 'Requests' started by Pitstopers, Jul 1, 2017.


Is this possible?

  1. Yes.

    10 vote(s)
  2. Maybe.

    0 vote(s)
  3. No.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Pitstopers

    Pitstopers Baby Zombie

    Can someone make this plugin it is on bukkit but I think this would be great for pocketmine. The link to the bukkit plugin is https://mods.curse.com/bukkit-plugins/minecraft/smartbans it just allows you to change config messages. Like if you get banned it will tell you who banned you and where you can appeal at. And the reason you was banned if it's a temp ban it would tell you how long the ban is for. I think this plugin would be great I put a link what the ban messages would look like. https://m.imgur.com/prjSyn2
  2. TheDiamondYT

    TheDiamondYT Zombie

    This is very possible. Might add to my TODO list @Sandertv would these be a BlockHorizons thing or not
    WoollenPanda275 and Sandertv like this.
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